Tuesday 11th June
A decent run from Streets Of Doyen an enhanced 4th at 25/1 last night but i have to say bitterly disappointing runs from the Gordon Elliott pair and maybe a sign that the Elliott yard is possibly just going through the motions at the moment and possibly in twice yearly inoculation mode with their Jumpers.
There are Flat Fixtures at Salisbury and Wetherby today but nothing really stands out for The Advisor who would usually cover Salisbury, nor our Northern Expert (more about him below) who would normally cover Wetherby and who is no doubt doing a rain dance at the moment, as outlined below.
Over the next few days I'm going to drill down Tipster by Tipster + Sector by Sector and look at the performance of Tipsters over the past 1 / 3 / 6 and 12 months and then delve deeper into what works for them and what doesn't. I've been minded to do this before Royal Ascot arrives and also by some constructive and thought provoking mails and thoughts from several members, some long standing, some medium term regulars and also from a couple of returners after several years away. I thank them for their time and thoughts and feedback is always welcome.
I've also looked at corroborative data in the public domain over the same period from a couple of what I would call "Gold Standard" long term Tipsters who are the subject of numerous independent Awards and Commendations. THis is not in any way to try to plug them, far from it, but just to highlight where we stand in comparison and certainly far away from the sort of public spotlight they enjoy and have enjoyed over more than a decade.
What's glaringly obvious is that when we are GOOD we are very good, and very good may be an understatement. So tomorrow, I'll start with a look at our Irish tipsters and their sustained record of success but also thoughts about how we can optimise their information even more effectively. On Thursday we'll focus more on the BAD, as when we are bad, we are Bad, occasionally very bad. I'll focus here on 2 Tipsters who enjoyed golden runs in the past but who are currently out of form and struggling, namely our Northern Expert and myself (Speculator). Then on Friday we'll look at some of the other Tipsters, who are more consistent but usually a few points either side of the break even median, and ways we can definitely optimise their efforts.
This all coincides with what looks to be a significant change in the weather across the UK and Ireland with a sustained wet spell , so not to leave it out also, we'll look at the impact of "Going" on our general Tips performance and some staggering data that suggests the wetter the better , and how we can optimise that but also improve markedly in drier spells.
So, we'll have a bash at a couple of competitive Handicap Hurdle races with one at Southwell and one at Sligo