Racing Journo
On the right hand side of the screen is the analysis for the tipster: Racing Journo, you can view the data of the last 20 Tips, All Tips for the current year, 2025, and their historical data, all their tips since starting at SP2A. The final tap is a graphical representation of their tips by course. The top pie chart, shows the 10 courses that have given Racing Journo, their best return’s (this is a total of the PROFIT on that course) the second Pie Chart give there least profitable course’s, again this is total profit of all tips given for that course. **Holding you mouse over each segment, will reveal the number of tips given for that course, along with the average return.**
Recent Blog Entries for Racing Journo
All Results recorded to SP - Starting Price unless otherwise state Results recorded to £10 each way / £20 win - as advised prior to 31/12/17 From 1/1/18 Results recorded to advised unit on basis of 1 point = £10.00