Tuesday 1st October

Good Morning;
We've waited this morning for The Advisor to get some Course info from Bath, where he had a couple of possible tips lined up, regarding the Going, and the consensus is that it will be very deep ground there in places, so we will swerve that meeting today. We do know that Somerset has had over 200% of the average September rainfall even before the rain that has fallen in the past few days.
The likely options both have probable entries next week. On the flip side they still really need more rain at Sedgefield, where there were a lot of non runners due to firm ground last week. Nothing of note in Ireland today from Michael or Sean nor at Ayr or Newcastle.
We're reluctant not to tip, but more reluctant to tip "for the sake of it" but do have a couple of soft going specialists lined up for tomorrow at Catterick and Nottingham.