Wednesday 12th February

We went to Ayr with some speculative punts yesterday and quiet confidence, sadly on this occasion the outcome was poor, but that is the nature of the approach we take to each way value, so we'll dust ourselves down and look for some profit in 3 very tight and competitive handicaps today at Hereford and Wetherby.
We're about to relaunch the Members Paddock Area and integrate it to the Proofing Site that we use and whilst this has taken a lot of Ian's time it will produce great long term benefit in far more accurate recording of data, an issue we have long battled with and palably failed too often. We needed to move from a heavily manual model to something more automated and in the coming weeks we will launch it and explain the benefits in full detail with some interactive videos. Please bear with us on this until the end of this week with all you need on the daily e-mails whilst the website is upgraded and offline at times in the background.