Barry Nicholls - Newcastle 1.40 3 Beeno win 5/2 / 5 Nafaath e/w 16/1 (B365/BV)
The 1.40 at Newcastle has betting dominated by 3 horses, being BEENO; Dark and Dangerous
and Lady Buttons, of the trio we believe BEENO has by far the most scope and a drop in
trip and a flatter track should suit very well. Dark and Dangerous won last time but had the run
of the race on a undulating track and does not have the profile of a horse ready to run up a
sequence of wins. Lady Buttons is solid and consistent but usually finds one too good.
If those are the obvious trio one lurking on a nice mark and a very juicy 16/1 at 8.15am with
Bet 365 and Bet Victor is NAFAATH, a winner off a mark of 100 in October he runs off 101
here with Miss McCain having already proven herself and won a race for us; taking off
a very handy 7lbs, seems about double the odds it should be so we will grab it and BOG it.