Exeter 4.50
Knockanrawley - 1/2 point each way @ 7/1
This is a marathon trip and I really want something proven at 4 miles. I am aware that KNOCKANRAWLEY
and Emporers Choice are also declared at Newcastle in The Eider tomorrow, IF Exeter dally I could see one/both being declared
a non runner here and switched up North, so be aware of that. KNOCKANRAWLEY is relatively lightly raced in recent seasons
and has placed in The Eider off marks of 133 and 137 in last 2 seasons, so to come here off a mark of 132, in what looks like
slightly calmer waters is a tip in itself. Of the others with proven stamina, JEPECK is of most interest and might be worth some
loose change, Emporers Choice is just too inconsistent to consider and may want deeper Going and SHOTGUN PADDY; another
Eider regular (placed off 137 and 144 in recent years) could revive but is beginning to look as if the miles on the clock are starting
to dull what has been a fantastic career as a solid and dependable long distance Chaser. I would not rule out the 4 mentioned
here for a Tricast Perm....