Chepstow 2.45
Chepstow 2.45 1 Shantou Bob - 2 point win @ 4/1
Shantou Bob grabbed a place for us last time, finishing like a train after looking in need of the run; it looks a solid win
bet here, in a race where the top of the market is very compact. I think it arrives fit but fresh, proven in the mud and a good CD record
that includes the corresponding race on the 2016 year end Card (last season, if not last year). The mark is a bit higher today but I just
sense it is far more likely to run its race than Chef D'Oeuvre (Course debut); Court Frontier, (mark and Hurdles form a concern) and
Eminent Poet (won well lto but on a career high mark and less convincing on this track). It is a win bet price, but if you want to be
"ultra safe and back each way" that's your call. Will be proofed to win.