Wednesday 8th November

Musselburgh 12.35 - CALL ME HARRY @ 13/2 has shown plenty of promise and always looked the type to be even better at 3 miles, this is an easy 3 miles and it should be looking to place at least. Shrapnel e/w (majority of Bookmakers go to 4th place) 
Musselburgh 12.35 Firth Of Forth / Colonel Manderson (watching brief)
Chepstow 12.55 Rouge De L'Quest
Warwick 1.50 Howaya Now
Warwick 2.25 Jet Plane / Bobhopeornohope
Chepstow 3.15 Arctic Footprint
Chepstow 3.50 Journey West
Dundalk 3.45 Red Cymbal
Dundalk 4.20 Rio Largo
Dundalk 5.25 Mads Black Eights
Kempton 5.30 Valkyran / Lion Tamer
Kempton 7.00 Maysonic
Kempton 8.00 Pistoletto / Donald Llewellyn (tip race - bets watched)